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Trumbull Header Artist Series, No. 1: MPH

Look up and you’ll see the first in a prolific series of Trumbull headers designed by some of the cheapest and most desperate talent to be found, which we scrupulously screen for quality during begrudged sessions punctuated by violent retching and the cries of our judge’s panel suffering stabbing ocular pain. We’ve been spreading the word about this ritzy plot of pixel space to insiders for some time, but let not the agony of our critics deter ye artists far and wide from submitting to our consideration; consider the floodgates opened.

And now for five questions with MPH, the first to claim our marquee.

mph trumbull island header


1. What do you do?
Design and illustration.


Interview with Tyler, the Creator of Odd Future

tyler the creator odd future ofwgkta trumbull island

A few months back I contacted someone named ‘Wolf Haley’ on Facebook because I thought it was ‘Tyler the Creator’1 of the Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (OFWGKTA) crew in Los Angeles, Calif. By the time you read this, they will have played their first New York City show at Webster Hall. Who knows if they will ever be as cool again?

Mark Baumer: Wolf, I contacted you a few months back on YouTube about an interview. Still want to do one?
Wolf Haley: Sure why not.

Why did you become a wolf, what happened to Tyler, did you eat yourself?
Tyler Is Downstairs Watching Flapjack, What Are You Talking About? WOLF Is My Name.

Sorry WOLF. Does Facebook cause a lot of drama in your life? It seems like there’s some issues with Facebook in the past. Do the Facebook CEOs hate you? Are you going to see the Facebook movie?
Fuck that movie. And at times, fuck Facebook. They Banned Me Twice, saying I was crude or some fa99ot shit like that. I’m not doing anything but lurking bitches pages and posting pretty ass pictures of myself. Some girl’s dad hit me up tho, saying he wants me to wear a dress, no lie.



  1. "'Hi, I'm Steve,' says Tyler, Odd Future's lynchpin. He likes to lie about his name. He also likes to fall down, just for fun. Last week he went out of state for the first time, visiting New York City. He flung himself dramatically down onto the Manhattan sidewalk, and noted that no one seemed to pay much attention." - C. Ryder for LA Weekly

Eavesdropping on Nikita (on her Birthday)

eavesdropping on nikita trumbull island l train

What’s that you were saying about your phone password? That it’s so good nobody can crack it?

I said my boyfriend can’t crack it. The password on my phone, he won’t ever figure it out.

Do you change it up all the time?


How many digits is it? Like, 7?

Like, 20.

20? You gotta put that in every time just to unlock your phone? Holy shit, I’ve never heard of an unlock code that long. Is it all numbers?


So it’s letters and numbers. Well, I think you’re right, I don’t think he’s ever gonna crack it. [To friend] What about you, do you know it?


I think you’re lying. I think you know it.


Lil Wayne father of twins to Brooklyn teen

A Trumbull insider recently washed up in McCarren Park after a short stint at Rikers Island. We couldn’t resist asking him for some Lil Wayne gossip…

lil wayne has twins with rockaway brooklyn teen trumbull rikers island

Did you see Lil Wayne at Rikers?

No, I didn’t see him but my friend Kent who’s in there was housed with him for like two and a half months in March and April, and then my friend Fred had a seizure in the bullpen.1 He woke up at this hospital in Queens and Lil Wayne was in the bed next to him because I guess Lil Wayne faked some medical shit because he got a 16-year-old pregnant in Far Rockaway and she just had his twins and he wanted to be in the hosptial with the twins while they were born so he faked some medical shit to get there. The mother of the girl was trying to say that he needed a whole motorcade escort back to Rikers Island, like, he needed to be surrounded by cops on motorcycles and shit but he’s just chilling in there. He’s like the first rapper to ever go in there and be like “I wanna be housed in general population,” all rappers when they go in there like DMX and Wu-Tang dudes they go into, not protective custody but high profile, which means they have captains with them at all times and shit. You know, they have police escorts. But Lil Wayne was like “Nah, fuck that, I’m gonna chill,” you know what I mean? And I guess he’s got mad money in his account, he’s in a house with like 50 other inmates, he just buys them all food and whatever they want, you know? So everyone’s like, “Whoa, Lil Wayne, he puts it on in here.” They say he just walks around all day drinking coffee and eating cookies, all day. And the female corrections officers are fuckin’ him and shit, like he’s just ballin’, he doesn’t give a fuck.



  1. A temporary holding area for prisoners.
  2. Stupid question by nameless third party.

Greenberry on Michael Jackson’s early Los Angeles home life

I used to hang out at this pool in Boston and the lifeguard there was a guy named Phil. I’d go over with a friend or two every now and then, and even though we weren’t really supposed to be there, Phil liked us so he told us jokes and stories about his life, quizzing us on movie trivia, and lending me VHS tapes. One of my favorite stories is about when he moved to California in 1969 and met the Jackson family. In memory of Michael and the one-year anniversary of his death on June 25, 2009, we talked with Phil, who took us back to the scene of Motown’s California takeover, a major moment in pop music history. But first…

phil g trumbull island


La-la-la. You know, I lived with Timothy Leary, too, and the Grateful Dead and Baba Ram Dass who was Richard Alpert, and [Allen] Ginsberg, and Owsley [Stanley] who made that acid, when I was, in ’68 I lived on this 25-mile estate owned by William Mellon Hitchcock in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., just like a middle class kid who would take LSD, this middle class, this millionaire kid brought the proponents of LSD, mainly Timothy Leary who had graduated West Point and then became a psychologist at Harvard, and then he discovered LSD from Switzerland and he coined the phrase, “Turn on, tune in, drop out,” and got a LOT of kids to do just that. LSD, the only drug that you see things.



  1. The Jacksons moved to 4641 Hayvenhurst Avenue, Encino, Ca. on May 5, 1971 and have lived there ever since.
  2. Rebbie married at 18 against her father's wishes and moved to Kentucky with her husband, to whom she is still married with three children.
  3. Actually Marlon was the closest in age, older than Michael by about a year and a half.
  4. Only nominated, actually. He finally won for "The Departed" in 2006.
  5. "Centipede" (1984)
  6. A bitch that will find you.

Old dog, Motorbike, Jackson Five, Little Mike

young michael jackson shooting hoops with trumbull magazine and his brother

In commemoration of the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson, Trumbull Island spoke to a friend who got to know the Jackson family quite well at a crucial time in their career, when young bebs were becoming young men, with another destined to remain forever young. Phil, 63, lives in Boston and prefers to speak on the phone, so we called him up for this interview. But he wrote us a short message awhile back which we have excerpted here. Stay tuned for the rest.

hi  pal—  i left new haven on april first 1969- i was 22 years and 6 days old- i drove to la in a 4 on the floor chevy  camaro – when i got to l.a. i couldn’t  find my brother rt away so the first thing i did was  see a  film, the heart is a lonly  hunter starring  allen arkin and sandra lock  from the pen of a 23 year old  named  carson  mccullers—– about a month after  getting  to hollywood  i met in a ben franklin  restrant  a guy  named  richard  mac  scott  who was the manager for the new kids  on the block— when i met him  he  was personell  assistant  to  berry  gordy— he found me the house i rented  for 8 hundred a month  at  1601  queens   road…


Dave Carapetyan, Rally Racer, is On the Road Again

dave carapetyan michigan 2008

Dave's first snow race in Michigan in 2008. He didn't have competition snow tires, but took 1st anyway. So Icey.

Our friend Dave Carapetyan of Rally Ready Motorsports from Texas made the transition from hardcore punk singer to rally car racer with the grace of a pupae metamorphosing into a butterfly. Not to say that Dave is a butterfly. Let’s think of him as a man who sits inside a giant metal cheetah that guzzles high octane gasoline and exhales at ear-mincing volumes as it devours rough ground and long distances at pant-shitting speeds. Trumbull spoke with Dave just days before he took home his third consecutive Pikes Peak victory in the Open division on June 27.

Dave, we met a long ass time ago. Why were you in Massachusetts to begin with?
I was in a band from 2000-20002 called The Snobs… we were a skate punk band out of Austin, Tex., with a lineup of all 13-year-olds that played like some combination of Negative Approach and Government Issue. We were heavily influenced by early Dischord bands, old Austin bands like the Big Boys and even the modern youth crew goofballs. It was in 2002 just before our summer tour that I came to Boston to visit my friend Sweet Pete from the band In My Eyes and my friend Bill, who had played bass for us briefly but had just moved to Boston to poke some joke of a girl.

How did you become a rally car racer?
I got sick of the lack of sincerity and the bullshit associated with hardcore and music in general. After the Snobs broke up, I started recording but got sick of having people fuck me over and weasel out of $20 here or $50 there when I was already cutting outrageously good deals. I’ve always been obsessed with anything fast and especially anything with wheels, as I got a bit older it was a natural progression, I guess. It started with working at a friend’s shop who built street race cars and drag race stuff, but I wasn’t interested in having a cool car — I was interested in cool driving. Nobody gives a shit about the baseball bat, they just care about how far you hit the home run, you know? As far as motorsport, rallying is by far the most intense and difficult kind of racing on the planet. It’s you and a co-driver on a dirt road you’ve never driven, going as fast as you possibly can based only on descriptive notes about the road you’re hearing as you’re flying up on it at 100 mph. How cool is that?!


Beb on the Street Pt. 3: in Bushwick

beb on the street pt 3 in bushwick Whatup son?


You, the girl.

I’m not a girl..

Oh my bad. Whatup son?




You playing handball today?

Nah, not today.

You’ll ruin your sneakers playin’


Those new?

These shits?


Nah these aren’t anything..

How’s summer?

It’s good.

Yeah I don’t know about this. What about you, pound cake?

(Other kid) The fuck you say?

How’s summer for you, ya lil shit?

[Unintelligible audio]

Piping features v. Firecanes

Tonight, President Obama will speak to us from the Oval Office about the BP oil spill and about our environment. I for one am displeased with the situation. These guys aren’t too happy about it either. And then there’s the issue of firecanes — what can Prez Obama possibly say about them to put the minds of our citizens at ease? This environmental, economic, social catastrophe is awful and seems to be spreading dismay just as quickly as the crude is gushing out of a grotesque hole in the bottom of the sea…but at least I get it.

Now, what about the Guatemalan Sinkhole? Is anyone still talking about it? Is everyone OK with it now? You’re all just OK with a giant hole in the earth opening up in a perfect circle and going so deep and swallowing part of a neighborhood in Guatemala? No. I think that more questions need to be asked. I don’t like looking into that thing and hearing the hollow sound of terror. But since I doubt that the scope of tonight’s Presidential address will include this issue, we sent a correspondent to the very mouth of doom with a list of questions so bold and prying that we fully expected him to be eaten alive by the interview subject. But after all, what are interns for if not to stand between the minds at work and the dark and mysterious forces of the universe that we dutifully and tirelessly analyze?

What is your name?

Most people call me the Guatemalan Sinkhole, but I’m really a “piping feature.” I don’t associate with sinkholes. You think about sinkholes, and you think of the Great Blue Hole, or the discovery of fossils from the Pliocene. Sinkholes are like potholes in the street — think of me as a gaping sewer that leads straight down to the meat locker. I’m here for chaos, for fire, the disappearance of neighborhood pets and churches falling into my belly.


Die Antwoord Interview

Tim Noakes spent a March day with Die Antwoord in Cape Town for Dazed and Confused. When I was a kid, we had a book filled with photographs of Cape Town, given to us by a family friend who had visited South Africa. I was enamored with the pictures of the beach and the beautiful women sporting butt floss. But now, for me, Cape Town’s number one female is Yo-Landi Vi$$er. In this video, Ninja outs her for wearing her bra backwards in the ’90s when Kriss Kross came out. Ninja also says “We like to take photographs.* We’re fucking serious about that.”


‘The Eagle and the Lion’
Interview with Ragana

Jahga of Ragana

Ragana came to me in a dream in Brazil. Deep into a block of late morning/early evening music videos, MTV played a teaser clip for “A-A-A-A.” I was not-so-fresh off a bottle of White Horse from the night before, dealing with a sweltering climate quickly filling with cigarette smoke, but those 15 seconds made me feel a lot better. By the next day, I still hadn’t seen the entire video, and I wanted that feeling back, so to the Web I turned with oohs and aahs, and, of course, these precious words have been exchanged and reproduced, for your pleasure, with a little help from the artificial intelligence enslaved within my computer. Shall we set it free, you and I?

Who are the players in Ragana?
Jahga sings, Marek Piotrowicz plays on drums, Rastuch plays on keyboards, Kuba is a sound engineer, Rusek plays on guitar, and me, Tomasz Krawczyk, I play bass. We are still young people from southern Poland.

When, why and how did Ragana form? What are your influences? How did you get into reggae? Did you ever go through a death metal phase?
The band was formed in 2007. We wanted to make dub with a very minimalistic formula and dry sound. We decided to simplify as much as we can the composition frames and leave the rest for improvisation, to make it in a meditational, repetitive way. To give Jahga’s voice a steady background so she can sing her own ideas.


Interviw with Woj and Albite of Cold World, Pt. 2

Photo by Melissa Farley

Welcome back to part two of our interview with friends Alex and Nick of Cold World. Visit our store to order a limited CW T-shirt!

Can you talk about the demos you recorded a few years ago a little bit? Where does that tie into Pegasus?

Nick: I’m assuming you’re referring to the Cold World demos with me singing. That has nothing to do with Pegasus besides me realizing I can hold it down on vocals. I saw some people posting CW demos a while ago, so I downloaded them just to see what they have, and most of the tracks were just rough mixes with Dan’s vocals. We have whole separate sessions where the songs sound a little different and I sing the whole thing. People don’t really have them, as far as I know. I’d like to do something with them at some point, but who knows.

What are the five best CW shirt designs?

Nick: I really like the ones we recently did. The Showbiz & AG rip, and the Diamond D rip are very ill. We just did a hoodie with the Infamous logo on the front and it says Young Veteranz on the back. The Beatnuts shirt was cool. I just like all the 90′s rap ones!

Alex: Georgetown Hoyas longsleeve with Erik B. and Rakim on the back. Black Ice Grillz tee. Tapes shirt. Russian tattoo flash shirt. Soundgarden ripoff Scace designed.

The band has done some fancy things in the studio as far as hardcore acts go. Can you tell us what you’ve taken away from your studio time?

Alex: When the engineer or producer tell you something, challenge it. They don’t like to do stuff because a lot of them are very stuck in their ways. But if you want to get the sound that YOU want, not the sound that they want, you need to put your interest before their comfort. There really is no limit as to what can happen in the studio. Be patient. It takes time. Don’t do too much or you’ll end up sounding corny instead of cool.


Interview with Woj and Albite of Cold World, Pt. 1

Cold World are one of the coolest bands out there, but the band is the tip of the iceberg to their coolness. A lot of it comes across on records and shirts, but there’s more. It’s not so much that they’re a work in progress, but they’re always progressing. I’m not sure the kids are truly aware of the extent of their coolness. AlBite has a big name in Wilkes-Barre and is like the mayor over there. Nick has been into bad shit since he was 11. Anyways, we hope this gets at some of it. Enjoy.

What’s new with you Alex? how’s Gypsy going?

There’s a lot of new stuff in my life, but, its mostly just guns, perks, and attachments in Call of Duty. Gypsy’s doing pretty well. We finished writing the LP. Well, I have to write lyrics still, but other than that it’s finished. We’re gonna go into the studio in May/June and record it. We already have an EP written for after it, songs that just don’t quite fit the LP. The LP is straight up Jawbreaker / Dinosaur Jr. / Quicksand and the EP has more of a Jawbox/ Superchunk / Fugazi type vibe to it. We also added a third guitarist. Cause why not?

Who’s the third guitarist in Gypsy? Does he use any cool pedals?

Alex: Colin Gorman. He’s young, just turned 20 today on March 11 and knows how to play more SRV songs than anyone I know. His pedal game is not so strong. He uses a small clone and an overdrive right now, that’s it. But he did just buy a Purple 1971 Marshall Super Bass JMP that with his G&L Legacy sounds perfect. Colin spends about three hours a day watching youtube videos of Stevie Ray Vaughn, John Frusciante, Jimi Hendrix, and Stone Gossard.

Nick, what’s new with you? How’s Pegasus going?

Honestly I’ve just been working and coolin out. I haven’t really had the inspiration to fuck with music lately. It’ll come back to me though. Pegasus is weird cause it wasn’t supposed to be how it came out. They had the songs recorded for a minute and Georgie was supposed to do the vocals but something weird happened every time he tried to do it. He was busy with Blacklisted and I really wanted to do something, ’cause Cold World wasn’t very active, so I asked George and Haroun if I could just sing on it and they were down. Sausage put the record out and we’ve never even played, which is funny. I’d like to play a couple gigs and do another record but the other guys are busy with their shit. I really want to be prolific and put out a crazy amount of records in different bands, I just can’t find anybody to do bands with.


Dear Jon, Pt. 4

Jonathan Lee Riches is a federal prisoner nearing the end of a sentence for wire fraud in a medical facility in Kentucky. Along with a nod from Guinness as the world’s most litigious man, he is in possession of what we call a beautiful mind. In his fourth letter to us, Riches begins to open up about his life and quotes Method Man.

Nov 1, 2009


Responding back.

Again, sorry this is unorganized. My attention is focused in this Drug Program. I had to write a one page report on why I had expired Honey Buns in my locker from 2006. I tried to explain that I hoard food, because you never know if we will get a nuclear attack and rationing food would be survival. I saw the movie “Empire of the Sun,” and the boy was in search of food in his home.

I remember the Nintendo game Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! If you want the code to get to fight Mike Tyson it’s 007 373 5963. I also remember my ninth grade locker combination: 16-31-6. So if you need something just let me know.


Mass Movement

Last Tuesday, Martha Coakley, she of the wooden personality and Curt Schilling mix-up, lost a special election for Ted Kennedy’s vacated Senate seat to Republican Scott Brown, ending Massachusetts’ 30-year run of sending two Democrat senators to Washington. The loss has been roundly rejected as a disaster, but the Commonwealth has known plenty of Republican governors. There is a strong Catholic base there, and, simply put, not everyone in the state is a liberal. The election was called a referendum on health care, but with Massachusetts boasting the most progressive system in the states, it’s hard to say whether this was the case. The New York Times breaks things down in a graphic. We spoke to some citizens,1 asking them their opinion.



  1. Some quotes (guess which) are made up.