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Salute: Dwayne hold your head

Photo by Kenneth Cappello

Are they really sending him away this time? Poor chap. He simply refused to go anywhere without … excessive firepower — I suppose it was only a matter of time before John Law caught up with our friend. Look, I’m strapped — that’s a given. You see this? This is a Remington. <discharges three shots into the ceiling> What does Dwayne need with scatter-shot and automatics? Oh, look, some of the ceiling’s landed on your hat.

I’ll sorely miss our South Beach shopping sprees and his jokes. There was the day I introduced him to crêpes at A La Folie. He loved them! He must have ordered five different kinds. Slim once told me — this was last year — oh, forget it.

The boys say they’ve been pestering you with a list of “Lil Wayne’s” best mixtape tracks on their Twitter account, and asked me to say a few words to introduce their fancy little playlist. So, without any further ado, Trumbull’s Top 10 Weezy mixtape jams:

10. “Shorty Bounce” – Worldwide Legacy Presents Wayne’s World
9. “Raw Tunes” – Da Drought
8. “Stand Tall” – Drought is Over 4
7. “Workin ‘Em” – Dedication 2
6. “Dough Is What I Got” – Drought 3
5. “Back On My Grizzy” – Drought 3
4. “Down Here” – The Drought is Over 6
3. “Dippin” – Best Kept Secret Vol 2 (Jody Breeze)
2. “Prostitute Flange” – Tha Carter 3 Mixtape
1. “Scarface” – Tha Carter 3 Mixtape

Click here to listen to our YouTube playlist.

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  1. Progressive Rock Guitarist on Sunday, December 6, 2020 at 5:49 am

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    Salute: Dwayne hold your head | Trumbull Island…